Spirits rise! Boozy candy found in West Boylston on Halloween

  • WEST BOYLSTON — Some trick-or-treaters in West Boylston got more than they bargained for this Halloween. Amid the traditional candies and chocolates, a few children stumbled upon chocolates with a kick: Jose Guervo tequila-infused goodies.

    The West Boylston Police Department took to Facebook on Halloween night after receiving reports from 2 parents whose children received the alcoholic chocolates while trick-or-treating on Horseshoe Drive. The department shared a picture of the culprits — the Jose Guervo chocolates — asking parents to be vigilant and to check their children's candy.

    While no one was harmed, the event has left many parents both amused and concerned. One person commented on the Facebook post, "Probably an innocent mistake? Maybe they will sleep well tonight and be more chill at school tomorrow? Kidding!!!!"

    The police are treating the matter seriously and are looking to get to the bottom of this tipsy treat debacle. They are urging anyone with information about the boozy candy to contact them at 774-450-3510.

    In the meantime, parents are advised to give their kids' candy a closer look — and perhaps keep a closer eye on their own stash. Who knows? Next year we might see a rise in parents trick-or-treating alongside their kids, hoping for a bit of that Jose Guervo chocolate magic.

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