Sheriff Evangelidis takes to podium to debate at JFK Library

  • Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis and former Framingham Mayor Dr. Yvonne Spicer pose for a postdebate photo with students from across the Commonwealth

    Boston – On October 26th, Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis had the honor of returning to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for its Election-Year Debate program. The event emphasized civic education for the state’s high school students.

    Sheriff Evangelidis’ (R) debate partner was Dr. Yvonne Spicer (D), the first and former Mayor of Framingham. Evangelidis and Spicer took to the podiums to field questions proposed by an audience of high school students from across the Commonwealth.

    Prior to the start of the debate, students gathered in groups to discuss today’s political atmosphere and the issues that candidates in the midterm elections would be faced with. Additionally, students also engaged in conversations with one another to explain which issues affected them personally or which issues they identified as having an impact on their respective communities. Groups then curated a list of questions to propose to Evangelidis and Spicer.

    One topic that students consistently homed in on was mental health and how mental health issues are being handled both in schools and throughout society/

    Spicer explained that she is a strong advocate of mental health in our schools and that we must, “keep people alive,” by ensuring that our schools have the necessary resources to address the needs of students and the mental health crisis that we are facing today.

    Evangelidis explained how the Sheriff’s Office is tackling mental health issues. Evangelidis’ administration has doubled the budget for their mental health department and increased staffing to assist in the rehabilitative process and make our communities safer.

    Both parties agreed that our society is not presently equipped to effectively deal with the mental health caseloads that our health care system is experiencing. They concurred that moving forward, this will be a pressing issue.

    Sheriff Evangelidis and Dr. Spicer referred to their debate as a discussion and made it a point to demonstrate the power of engaging in healthy dialogs. Both parties shared their thoughts on everything from social issues to tax policy and even protections for our local farmers.

    Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis (right) and former Framingham Mayor Dr. Yvonne stand before a podium at the John F. Kennedy Presential Library and Museum.

    “Students proposed thoughtful remarks, leaving me with a lasting impression and my full confidence in the next generation of leaders,” commented Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis. “It was an honor to participate in the Kennedy Library Election-Year Debate Program again. This was a phenomenal opportunity to discuss today's political climate with former Framingham Mayor Dr. Yvonne Spicer.”

    Evangelidis explained that it was powerful to have a discussion with these students and urged them to pay attention to the facts of society, ask questions, and look past party affiliation. Evangelidis closed by explaining to students that our future is in their hands as they will be tasked with keeping our nation indivisible and ensuring liberty and justice for all.

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