Worcester woman cries for help, robs Good Samaritan, police say

  • WORCESTER — A woman who reportedly cried out for help on Main Street this morning and then robbed the Good Samaritan who responded to her plea was arrested by Worcester Police Department officers.

    According to a police statement, the incident took place around 6 a.m. when a man driving along Main Street heard a woman, later identified as Angelic Berry, 32, of Benefit Street, calling for assistance. When the man stopped to help, Berry allegedly pulled out a knife and demanded money. The victim complied, handing over the cash in his possession.

    The man provided a detailed description of Berry, noting her distinctive bright red hair, which helped officers locate her on Oread Street. Following a brief investigation, Berry was arrested and charged with armed robbery and resisting arrest.

    Berry reportedly tensed up and resisted being handcuffed, as well as refusing to get into the police wagon.

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