Scoop Dogg among new names for Worcester's snowplows

  • Mrs. Stephanie Trainor’s Grade 6 Class at Francis J. McGrath Elementary School (City of Worcester)

    WORCESTER — Worcester Public Schools students got creative in the city’s “Name a Snowplow” contest, with the winning entries announced recently by the Department of Public Works & Parks.

    After receiving 50 submissions from students in grades K-12, the city opened public voting, drawing over 500 ballots. 4 names were chosen for snowplows that service Worcester's main roads:

    Scoop Dogg (Francis J. McGrath Elementary School, Grade 6)

    Sleetwood Mac (Norrback Avenue School, Grades K-2 SAIL Class)

    William Scrapespeare (Burncoat High School, Theater Magnet Class, Grades 9-12)

    Snow More Mr. Ice Guy (University Park Campus School, Grades 9-10 Advisory Class)

    “Congratulations to our Worcester Public School students on a great contest,” City Manager Eric D. Batista said. “Your enthusiasm and the imaginative names you submitted were inspiring to see.”

    Superintendent Dr. Rachel H. Monárrez praised the students’ clever ideas, calling the contest a “fun way to engage in English language arts lessons.”

    Winning classrooms will be recognized at the Jan. 21 City Council meeting, where students will pose with their named trucks and receive DPW&P merchandise.
