Holden police arrest getaway driver in Walgreens robbery

  • Holden Police Department (Facebook)

    HOLDEN - On December 31st, at 3:30 p.m., Holden police responded to a report of an unarmed robbery at a Walgreens on 5 Shrewsbury Street.

    The police investigation revealed that an unknown man (pictured) entered the store, waited for an employee to open a cash register, and stole money from the cash drawer. The suspect then fled the scene in a vehicle driven by Jesse Szymick, 49, of Worcester.

    Szymick was later identified as the getaway driver and was arrested and charged with unarmed robbery, accessory before, and accessory after the fact.

    During the investigation, Szymick admitted to his involvement in the robbery. The case remains open and the Holden Detective Unit is seeking information about the identity of the other suspect involved. Anyone with information can contact the Detective Unit at (508) 210-5613.

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