Drug suspect found hiding in neighbor's closet in Worcester

  • Worcester police found a suspect in drug trafficking and possession of illegal narcotics hiding in a closet after a foot pursuit on Wednesday, February 22nd.

    N.R.T. officers observed a drug transaction between Noel Gonzalez and 2 individuals in the vicinity of the 800 block of Main Street.

    Gonzalez threw a container at an officer during a foot pursuit and ran up a staircase to an apartment at his residence at 361 Cambridge Street, Apartment 2.

    Another man answered the door to the apartment. As the officer proceeded through the apartment, he observed a pile marijuana and packaging material in plain view. The officer learned that Gonzalez had exited the building.

    Other officers searched the area and found Gonzalez 2 houses away hiding inside a closet.

    Officers found a substantial amount of crack cocaine, fentanyl, and fentanyl pills, and a handgun during a search of the apartment at 361 Cambridge Street. Gonzalez was charged with multiple offenses, including drug distribution and possession, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and resisting arrest.

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